
Kunstraum Sellemond

Art- & Audiospace Sellemond researching art referring to sound.

KUNSTRAUM SELLEMOND is engaged in interactions between fine art and new music / contemporary art-music.
Presenting works of Franz Graf, Anna Jermolaewa or Gerwald Rockenschaub, our first exhibition “play together“ recalled the confrontation of many artists in essential stages of their creation with DJ- & club-culture and the record as a medium. KUNSTRAUM SELLEMOND also organizes series of concerts in the field of New Music. Up to now e.g. a performance with musicians of the Ensemble PHACE with pieces by Steve Reich and Luciano Berio. Performances of Philipp Quehenberger. Albert Mayer and Catherine Lorent took place on other occasions.
End of February 2015 a concert of New Music in collaboration with the vocal artist Gina Mattiello took place. Amongst others debut performances of Christoph Herndler and Zesses Seglias were on our schedule. In Spring 2015 we are planning an exhibition presenting the artists Markus Bacher, Herbert Brandl, Siggi Hofer, Raymond Pettibon, Christian Rosa, Alexander Ruthner, Zdenek Sykora and Natalia Zaluska.

Puchsbaumg. 1C, stair 5, 4. floor, top 2 A-1100 Vienna
Sat 02:00 - 06:00 pm and on appointment